Friday, December 9, 2011

L2 Acquisition Study Subject: English History Over Maturation Period

As part of my L2 acquisition project, I've plotted my study subject's English history across a maturation timeline. The timeline shows children's critical periods of language acquisition as well as the factors, such as language practice and sociocultural aspects, that affect an adult's acquisition.

I recreated the maturation timeline graphic from scratch (I have to find the name of the article that had the original) and then added important English events from my subject's life. This PDF is a first draft, so don't mind some typos.

Like anything else I would create, I see this as "open source." If anyone is doing a similar project, I can send you the Google Docs drawing and you can easily add your subject's timeline or make other changes. Just ask and remember to share your results with me!

Find the PDF here.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

L2 Acquisition - Learner Ethnography Brainstorm

Just brainstormed the flow of my final L2 acquisition project. In short, the many observations of the learner and his/her environment have led us to some questions concerning why and how he/she learns and acquires English. We expect to answer those questions by analyzing the observations within a theoretical framework. For more information on ethnography in ESL, read my presentation handout on Watson-Gegeo's article Ethnography in ESL: Defining the Essentials.