Thursday, January 19, 2012

New semester; new lesson plan form

I've created a basic one-page lesson plan form to better focus my lessons as I begin teaching two writing courses. As I'm new to teaching writing, the lesson plans will I hope provide not only better organization but also an effective process for the students, from revision and staging to practice and assessment.

On the reverse side of the form, I've copied a version of Bloom's taxonomy of verbs for the cognitive domain (click the image below). This helps to write focused lesson plan objectives without always using vague words like "learn" or "understand." The image also then provides product ideas in each cognitive domain.

For example, if we want students to UNDERSTAND the grammar that makes correct simple sentences, we can write an objective suchg as "IDENTIFY all subjects and verbs in sentences." From here we can branch out into products that relate to the cognitive domain of understanding, for example, read MAGAZINE articles and underline subjects and circle verbs.